
Damn it, Jim! I’m a writer, not a professional cook. I do like to cook, and I especially like to bake. The cooking has increased since I met my husband, who was born and raised in Scotland. After spending some time over there with him, I learned that there’s a lot more to Scottish food than haggis and more to Britain than England. When I was over there, it became a challenge to find some of the things I was used to cooking with (and like hell was I going to pay the equivalent of $15 for a box of Pop Tarts just to get a taste of home), so I learned new recipes and substitutions that Scottified some that I already knew. Now, both of us are in America (for now at least) and I like to find ways to give him a taste of home without having to spend every penny at the British Shop. This blog is mostly to chronicle these experiments to see what works and what doesn’t, and to share recipes with those who might be looking for something a little different.

I can also be found at:

Pop Bunker (Publisher)

Choose Your Online Adventures (Editor, Series 1)

StreetSpirit Photography (Co-Owner with my husband, who is the artist)

The Twitter Novel Project (Contributed short story in 2 parts: here and here)

SilverThorn Press (Interview & short story)

Geek Girls Network (Occasional contributing writer)

Personal Blog


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